Doctorate by PublicationTuition fees

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Policies on Tuition and Other Fees

The Policies on Tuition and Other Fees provide clear guidelines on the costs associated with academic programs, including tuition rates, administrative fees, and any additional charges. These policies outline payment schedules, refund procedures, and conditions for fee adjustments. They ensure transparency and help students plan their financial commitments throughout their educational journey.

1. Enrolling in the Developing Research Capability course (to formulate research proposals)

The DBA program adopts a research-based approach from the very beginning. Unlike other programs, we understand that merely teaching research and allowing doctoral candidates to “navigate on their own” makes it particularly challenging to complete a dissertation that meets international standards, such as the rigorous requirements of SIMI Swiss.

Recognizing this challenge, the DBA program has developed a structured research training pathway, providing foundational knowledge in business across all levels (covering the full curriculum of both Master’s and Doctoral programs), along with management skills through 30 specialized modules from the MBA program. This approach ensures a balance between business expertise and research capabilities. Additionally, research supervisors and a robust support system are offered to guide and help doctoral candidates confidently complete their research step by step.

The learning and research process of the DBA program from SIMI Swiss consists of 12 steps, starting with the Developing Research Capability course. The goal of this course is to help DBA students develop their research orientation through the final assignment.

The detailed content of the course can be found in the following sections.

2. Participating in the Research Orientation Development Workshop

After completing the first course, DBA candidates will have gained sufficient knowledge and tools to begin shaping their research direction. However, at this stage, the development of a clear research focus for their dissertation may still be quite vague. At this point, DBA students will greatly benefit from the support of specialized professors.

Immediately after completing the first course, DBA students will attend a research orientation development workshop, led by professors specializing in business and management. It is important to note that at this stage, the professor assisting you in developing your research focus is not yet your official supervisor. Your supervisor will be assigned and work alongside you once your research direction has been clearly defined, during Phase 2.

In this session, candidates will receive guidance from a business expert to help address key questions such as:

  • What research is suitable for me?
  • Is it feasible to conduct this research?
  • Has similar research been done before? (to ensure no duplication)
  • Can data be collected for this research?
  • Is there an existing foundational research model?

Following this consultation, combined with the knowledge from the Developing Research Capability course and the provided tools, DBA students will be prepared to finalize their research direction, which also serves as the final assignment for the first course.

3. Implementing the Research Direction

The research direction, or Research Proposal, serves as a blueprint for the research conducted by DBA students. Therefore, the more aligned the research direction is with the candidate’s interests and goals, the more it ensures the successful and efficient completion of the DBA thesis.

At this stage, students will begin writing their Research Proposal (which is also the goal of the first course). DBA candidates will receive the following support:

  • Comprehensive foundational learning materials in business and management, divided into 30 Master’s-level and 6 Doctoral-level courses, ensuring that students have sufficient knowledge to pursue any research direction. These materials align with relevant national competency frameworks for business professionals and research specialists.
  • Access to 30 self-study lectures and video lessons on management and administration, aligned with the national competency framework for senior business leaders.
  • Templates and forms.
  • A consultation channel with professors specializing in business research.
  • English language and format checks.
  • Guidance on essay writing and citation using APA/Harvard methods.
4. Enrolling in the Advanced Research Design and Methodologies Course (for comprehensive research implementation)

At this stage, DBA students have already developed a research proposal, which has been reviewed to ensure it meets the necessary criteria for formal execution.

Before officially beginning their research, students will enroll in the specialized course Advanced Research Design and Methodologies to gain deeper knowledge and skills essential for conducting research at the doctoral level in business.

For detailed course content, please see the section below.

5. Appointment of a Supervisor and Working with the Supervisor

At this stage, DBA students have acquired comprehensive knowledge, skills, research direction, and foundational research materials in business, management, and research methodologies, and are fully confident to undertake their doctoral dissertation.

To ensure students are not left to “navigate on their own,” DBA students are assigned a supervisor to guide them. SIMI Swiss employs a highly structured supervisory model to ensure close coordination between the supervisor and the doctoral candidate. This approach guarantees that candidates receive the necessary guidance to complete high-quality research on time and in accordance with SIMI Swiss standards, while avoiding the isolation that often comes with independent work.

During this phase, students are also instructed on the procedures, methodologies, roles, and responsibilities of both the student and the supervisor. Additionally, they continue to receive academic support from local partners.

6. Completing the Doctoral Thesis with the Supervisor and Academic Support System

At this stage, DBA students will work closely with their supervisor to progressively complete their doctoral thesis.

Students must adhere to two critical documents:

  • A detailed timeline outlining key milestones for completing the doctoral thesis. This timeline is also provided to the supervisor to ensure coordinated guidance throughout the process.
  • Collaboration forms and records of meetings with the supervisor. These documents serve as crucial evidence to demonstrate to SIMI Swiss and third-party evaluators (if applicable) that the candidate has engaged in a thorough research process. The entire process is verified by the supervisor and serves as the foundation for graduation eligibility.
7. Submitting the Finalized Research Manuscript

After progressively developing their research according to the timeline and in collaboration with the supervisor, DBA students will finalize their doctoral thesis.

Once the thesis is completed, students will submit the manuscript to local partners for review, formatting, and plagiarism checks to ensure the thesis is free from any issues of academic misconduct.

8. Academic Support System for English and Research Formatting

After each Live Class with SIMI’s international lecturers, DBA students can attend local tutoring sessions if their country has a SIMI Swiss academic partner.

Local tutors play a crucial role in enhancing the learning experience for DBA students. They provide personalized support and guidance, helping students better understand course material and apply it to real-world business scenarios. Key benefits of having local tutors for DBA students include:

  • Cultural Relevance: Local tutors bring context-specific insights, making the content more relatable and applicable to students’ local business environments and practices.
  • Language Support: For non-native English speakers, local tutors can assist in their native language, simplifying complex concepts.
  • Flexible Support: Local tutors often offer more flexible meeting times and can provide additional support outside of standard class hours.
  • Personalized Feedback: They provide immediate, tailored feedback to help students address specific challenges and improve their academic performance.
9. Academic Support System for Defense Preparation

Once the doctoral thesis has been submitted to SIMI Swiss, local partners will provide essential support to help DBA students confidently prepare for their defense before the SIMI Swiss academic committee.

Support activities include:

  • Providing a presentation template (PPT) in the SIMI Swiss format.
  • Supplying presentation standards and guidelines for the defense process, as required by SIMI Swiss.
  • Preparing key questions that demonstrate the candidate’s active involvement in their research.
  • Organizing demo sessions that simulate the actual defense, allowing students to practice and familiarize themselves with the defense process before the official event.
10. Defending the Doctoral Thesis to the SIMI Swiss Academic Committee

The doctoral thesis defense is a critical event, conducted with strict adherence to the procedures set by SIMI Swiss.

A typical defense panel consists of three members: a chairperson (with different chairs for various specializations) and two other members, including one expert in research methodology and data analysis.

The purpose of the defense is not to determine a pass or fail but to give the candidate an opportunity to present their work and receive feedback for further refinement. In cases of exceptional evaluation, the candidate may be recommended for international publication.

During the defense, the candidate has up to 30 minutes for their presentation and discussion. The entire process is documented and reported to two boards: (1) IQA (Internal Quality Assurance) and (2) EQA (External Quality Assurance).

After the defense, within four weeks, the candidate will receive an evaluation report and will have an additional three months to make any necessary revisions before graduation.

11. Receiving Feedback for Research Improvement

After defending the thesis before the SIMI Swiss academic committee, DBA students are given three months to refine and improve their work based on the feedback received.

During this stage, the supervisor continues to work closely with the students to incorporate all suggestions and recommendations from the committee.

Once the revisions are complete, students receive further support from local partners to ensure their work meets all necessary standards for final submission.

12. Finalizing the Research and Submitting to SIMI Swiss

With the support of local partners, students who have completed all necessary revisions undergo the following final checks before officially submitting their dissertation to the university:

  • English language review
  • Formatting review
  • Plagiarism check
  • Verification of the completeness of all documents, including records of work between the student and supervisor, as well as adjustments made based on the feedback from the SIMI Swiss review committee.

At this stage, the student’s doctoral research is fully complete, allowing them to confidently submit it to SIMI Swiss, awaiting graduation results and entering the final graduation process.

13. Join the 'How to Publish Your Research Paper' class

Once students have successfully completed their doctoral research, SIMI Swiss offers a specialized course, “How to Publish Your Research Paper,” to guide them through the process of converting their dissertation into a publishable academic paper.

This class covers essential topics such as:

  • Understanding the Structure of a Research Paper: A detailed breakdown of the components required in a well-organized academic paper, including abstract, introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Identifying Suitable Journals: Guidance on selecting the right journals that align with the scope and field of the student’s research, focusing on high-impact, reputable journals to increase visibility and credibility.
  • Adhering to Journal Submission Guidelines: Instruction on formatting, citation styles, and following submission protocols specific to each journal, ensuring the paper meets all editorial standards.
  • Navigating the Peer-Review Process: An overview of the peer-review process, including how to respond to reviewers’ comments and make revisions, which is key to getting the paper accepted for publication.
  • Plagiarism and Ethical Standards: A review of plagiarism checks, ethical research practices, and how to maintain integrity when presenting research.
  • Publication Strategies: Tips on enhancing the visibility of the published paper through networking, academic conferences, and collaboration opportunities.

By the end of the course, students will have a clear roadmap for transforming their dissertation into a high-quality research paper ready for submission to international journals. This course not only supports the completion of the DBA but also enhances the student’s academic and professional standing through publication.

14. Turn your completed research into an international publication.

After successfully completing their doctoral research and participating in the “How to Publish Your Research Paper” class, DBA students at SIMI Swiss are equipped to transform their completed dissertation into an international publication.

This process involves several critical steps:

  • Refining the Dissertation: The research paper must be condensed and tailored to meet the format and style requirements of academic journals. This includes refining the abstract, focusing on key findings, and ensuring the paper highlights the most impactful elements of the research.
  • Selecting the Right Journal: Students will be guided in choosing journals with a strong reputation in their field. The selection process takes into account factors such as the journal’s impact factor, target audience, and relevance to the student’s research.
  • Submission Preparation: Students receive detailed assistance in preparing their paper for submission, including formatting adjustments, citation alignment, and adherence to the journal’s specific guidelines.
  • Peer Review Process: Once submitted, students navigate the peer-review process, during which experts in the field provide feedback. SIMI Swiss supports students in responding to reviews, making necessary revisions, and resubmitting the paper if required.
  • Finalizing Publication: After successfully passing the peer-review stage, students will have their research published in a reputable international journal, gaining global recognition for their work.

This process not only helps students achieve their personal academic goals but also enhances their professional credibility by sharing their research on a global platform, contributing to advancements in the field of business administration.

15. Guidance on revisions and format support in case of feedback from the journal's editorial board.

After submitting a research paper to an international journal, it is common for the journal’s editorial board to provide feedback, often suggesting revisions to improve the paper before it can be accepted for publication. At SIMI Swiss, DBA students receive comprehensive support to navigate this crucial stage of the publication process.

Key areas of support include:

  • Detailed Review of Feedback: SIMI Swiss research supervisors help students thoroughly understand the feedback provided by the editorial board, identifying key areas that require revision, whether related to methodology, data presentation, or clarity of arguments.
  • Revising the Paper: Students are guided step-by-step in making the necessary adjustments to strengthen their research paper. This includes refining the analysis, reworking certain sections, or addressing gaps in the research, while ensuring the paper remains aligned with the journal’s standards.
  • Formatting Adjustments: SIMI Swiss provides support in reformatting the paper as per the journal’s specific requirements. This might include adjusting citation styles, figures, tables, and overall layout to match the journal’s preferred format.
  • Responding to Reviewers: Students are coached on how to professionally and effectively respond to reviewer comments, presenting clear explanations for the changes made or providing justifications for maintaining certain elements of the research.
  • Plagiarism and Integrity Checks: Before resubmission, additional plagiarism checks and a review of ethical standards are conducted to ensure compliance with academic integrity.

By receiving personalized guidance and format support, DBA students can confidently resubmit their revised paper, significantly improving their chances of acceptance and eventual publication. This process ensures that their research meets the high standards of international journals, further enhancing their academic and professional reputation.

16. Complete the scientific publication process and graduate.

After successfully revising and resubmitting their research paper to an international journal, DBA students at SIMI Swiss are nearing the final steps of both their publication journey and their doctoral program.

The process to complete the scientific publication and graduate involves the following steps:

  • Final Journal Acceptance: Once the revised paper is accepted for publication in the selected journal, students will officially have their research recognized on an international platform, marking a significant academic achievement.
  • Submission of Published Work to SIMI Swiss: Students must submit the accepted and published version of their research to SIMI Swiss as part of their doctoral program completion requirements. This demonstrates that the student has met the program’s expectations for scientific contribution.
  • Graduation Approval: Upon verification of the publication and all academic requirements, SIMI Swiss confirms the student’s eligibility for graduation. This includes a final review by the academic committee to ensure all elements, including coursework, research, and publication, have been successfully completed.
  • Graduation Ceremony: Students are then officially awarded their Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree. They can choose to participate in a graduation ceremony to celebrate their accomplishment alongside peers, supervisors, and faculty members.

By completing the publication process, DBA students solidify their contributions to the academic community and professional field, enhancing their career prospects and scholarly reputation. The successful publication of their research marks the culmination of their doctoral journey and a proud moment of achievement.