Doctorate by PublicationDoctorate of SIMI Swiss

DistinctionThe S.P.A Process
Supervisor - Publish - Award
Partnering and sharing responsibility for your research.
SIMI Swiss recognizes that supporting researchers and scientists while sharing responsibility for their research is a meaningful contribution to the community. That’s why we’ve developed the SPA model, designed to help researchers steadily progress in their work and publish high-quality international papers that make a real impact on the scientific world.

0123456789001234567890 +Doctorate Programs
0123456789001234567890 +Research Supervisors
012345678900123456789001234567890 +Graduated Doctorate
012345678900123456789001234567890 %Accredited & Recognition

DOCTORATE OF SIMI SWISSModular Supervision Model
“Supervision is divided into modules, with each module (chapter or section) assigned to a specialist.“

ABOUTMeet Our Team of Experts
You are not alone in your research, nor are you limited to just one advisor. Instead, SIMI Swiss provides you with a team of supervisors and experts, each specializing in a different area to help you meet the highest requirements of the Doctorate by Publication program