#1 Swiss Doctorate byPUBLICATION
#1 Swiss Doctorate byPUBLICATION

Contribution & Impact
Focuses on the ability to publish and generate impactful new knowledge, rather than merely evaluating the lengthy research process and the completion of a dissertation.

DOCTORATE BY PUBLICATION ISFormal and Recognized Model
The Doctorate by Publication is an advanced model in doctoral education, recognizing the value of applied research and professional expertise. It suits researchers seeking immediate impact and reflects the shift in higher education toward publication and real-world relevance.
The Doctorate by Publication is a formal, accredited model recognized by many universities. It involves rigorous assessment, including critical commentary and a viva voce, ensuring high academic standards.
The Doctorate by Publication is a formal, accredited model recognized by many universities. It involves rigorous assessment, including critical commentary and a viva voce, ensuring high academic standards.

ALL OURDoctorate Programs by Publication
SIMI's Doctorate by Publication programs are fully accredited and recognized in partnership with other universities.

SUPPORTResearch and Academic Support with Modular Supervision Model
SIMI Swiss provides a comprehensive support system that includes research guidance, colloquiums, academic advisors, and assistance with international publications to ensure the best outcomes for doctoral candidates. Supervision is structured into modules, with each chapter or section assigned to a specialist for focused expertise.
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Research Supervisory BoardMeet Our Team of Research Experts
At SIMI Swiss, your research journey won't be lonely. You will have a group of supervisors and specialists, each with a specialised field of expertise, to help you satisfy the high requirements of the Doctorate by Publication program, rather than simply one advisor.